Welcome to our home on the web.
Please come
in, make yourself comfortable and stay for a while.

I have created this site to honor the memory of
beautiful daughter Loria whom I love and miss very much. :o(

Creating and
maintaining this site is a part of the
grieving process
and it's been a
lifesaver for me.
It allows me to feel as if I can still 'do something'
for my
I hope that while visiting here, you will read Loria's story
get to know her ~ if only through my words.

In Loving Memory of Loria is a no-right click zone.
All graphics are linked
to the original artists or owners
who maintain all rights
for the graphics.

It means so much to us to know that we have
our beautiful Loria with others.
Would you please take a moment to sign
the guestbook
and let us know that
you were here? :-)