Missing Loria ~ Christmas 2005 Christmas 2004, Still Missing Loria



Another year has passed.  Another year without Loria.
As the history of the past four years has taught me,
I can look forward to another sad holiday filled with
feelings of hopeless despair and grief.

Since I don't like to think about a Christmas holiday
without Loria ~ and much less talk about it,
I'll use this opportunity to post a couple of other
updates from the past year.

First, to report on the September 9th anniversary
 of Loria's ascension date to Heaven,
we released balloons to honor her memory.

Crystal's balloons for her sister in Heaven

Balloons from her Dad and I

Sunset, 9/9/05

Also to honor Loria's memory this past September, Crystal and her
husband Kevin adopted a local highway for clean up near our
home here in Catawba County, NC. Three different signs have
been posted along the highway and they now serve as
a reminder to all that Loria LIVED!

Loria's Dad and I visited the mountains of western
North Carolina and picked out a Christmas tree for her.
We decided to pull out the purple and gold decorations
that Loria was so fond of.  Purple was her favorite color
and we also have a new ornament on the tree for her this year.

Merry Christmas From Heaven

I love you all dearly
Now don't shed a tear
I'm spending my Christmas
With Jesus this year.

Thank you to Terry at Terry's Treasures for Loria's graphic gift above.



Susie, thank you for the beautiful card for Loria's Christmas page.
Be sure to visit the memorial site that Susie maintains for her son Jason.

Janet Kruskamp, Artist

Designed by Luvdalot Graphics & Design