Christmas 2004, Still Missing Loria



Christmas 2004 ...
Still Missing Loria

Not much has changed for us. I continue to miss Loria's
physical presence so much. I still insanely hope that I can wake up
one day and she will be here. I still try to fool myself into
believing I am having a horrible nightmare and that I'll wake
up and Loria will be here to tell me it was just a bad dream.

I made the decision
to put a tree up
for Loria this year.
She always loved
the Christmas
tree and would
*pester* me
until it was up
and decorated.
So we put it in
the room where
Loria's ashes
are kept and
I talked to
her while I
decorated it for her. This is a photo of a very
special ornament I added in Loria's memory.


The year 2004 has been no less difficult than those in the
past since losing Loria. But I have tried very hard to
"feel better" as so many people have *told* me to do.  I'm
losing some of my resistance to the outside world but I
continue to be a hermit.  I would still prefer to stay at home
in my safe cocoon rather than go out in the prying eyes of
the public. But I at least feel less inhibited when
it comes to venturing out in the world.


Although I've put up the tree,
we cannot or will not
"celebrate" the holiday. I
can't imagine buying and
wrapping gifts to put
under a tree now ~ nor to
have family or friends
come in to visit. I can't cook
a holiday meal and pretend
that everything is the same
as it was when Loria was
here with us.  Both of my
girls won't be "coming
home for Christmas."
Maybe down the road ~
if I'm lucky enough to have grandchildren one day ~ but certainly not now.  Fortunately, my family understands
what I can and cannot find the energy to do.

Unless you have lost a child, you may never be able to understand
my emotions.  But if you are the unfortunate one that walks beside
me on the road of grief, you can comprehend what I am experiencing.


To Loria ... I miss you
more than
ever ... and you
will remain in
my heart always.
I love you ~
I grieve.


To the new year ahead ... Loria I will never give up the fight.
I have lost you but I will never let your memory be forgotten.

A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
but heartache crushes the spirit.
(Proverbs 15:13)

My spirit remains crushed.


You were a blessing to us all
you were a special child.
And we're so glad God sent you
to be with us awhile.

You filled our home with happiness
and made our life complete.
The time we had with you
was far too short, but oh so sweet.

Some things we don't find easy
to accept or understand.
Until we realize they're part of
our Creator's perfect plan.

Now it comforts us to know
you're with the angels up above.
While in our hearts we hold you close
Surrounded by our love.

~ Author Unknown ~



Saralyn, thank you for Loria's bell.  Without
saying it, you know how much your friendship means
to me year 'round.  I truly treasure you.

Please take the time to visit the memorial
website that Saralyn has created
for her son, Robbie Smith.


Beth, thank you for Loria's Santa globe.  To know
that you have remembered her with your kindness
and compassion truly makes you a special friend.

Please take the time to visit the memorial website
that Beth maintains for her son, Hayes Kent.

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Artwork by Sandra Kuck
Linkware graphics courtesy of Dreamwork Designs
Christmas Stocking adopted from Anna's Family Spot