There is ... no tree to decorate,
no gifts to wrap, nor kids to photograph.

Christmas without you just isn't Christmas anymore.

Now it's just another day ... another day filled with grief,
another day for weeping, another day of missing you.

What is there to celebrate?

We miss you so much Loria.
Merry Christmas in Heaven.


Diane & Billy, thank you for this beautiful gift.


Saralyn & Robbie, thank you so much for Loria's gift.

Susie & Jason, thank you for this lovely globe ornament.


Beth & Hayes, thank you for remembering Loria.


Susie, you are so sweet to remember my Loria!

 Thank you for visiting. Before leaving, please take a moment to sign Loria's guestbook.
We appreciate all visitors, especially those that let us know they were here.




Linkware graphics courtesy of Harmony Hollow Graphics